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Conclusions or what we learned

After this long and creative journey, it´s safe to say we learned a lot. Not only did we learn about animation as a technical process and how you create a short film from scratch, but also how to collaborate with different personalities. Everybody has an certain idea and vision but when you are in a team, you have to be able to see things from the perspective others, also objectively, many times it's necessary to compromise and make choices that are functional for the whole team and for the goal that we set out to achieve.

We already knew that all of us have to agree about the concept of our story and all of us have to have a stake in it to feel passionately about the project. In that way we all had the same goal and that helped us a lot during the process. Having clarity and a well defined core really helped us with the later parts of the process, specially with things like visualization of the story. Every time we were in doubt about the decision, we would always remind us what our core idea was and if the visual did justice to it. Accordingly we could make important storytelling decisions without steering away from our goal. This was an important element that kept us on the correct path.

Moreover, we learned to solve different kinds of problems, finding quick and effective solutions in order to have the best result possible under certain time. We learned that many things could be planned to the limit, but very often something unexpected might come up, and we should be willing to deal with it without being disheartened. Having said that, another realization we had during this creative process, was that, as much as it is good to strive for perfection, it is also important to remember that this is a learning process and one should be open to new things and perspectives, and to not forget to have fun along the way!

From The Same Thread the short film.

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