Setting up the light took much longer than we expected.
As the background is black, the whole set looked quite dark in general. We knew that we wanted the key light from the top, because in the story the light comes from above. But in each shot we had to rearrange the light according to the composition of the frame.
In general, we followed a 3 point lighting system, where we used two lights from the side besides the top light. But for certain wide shots, we needed 3 or 4 lights in order to light up everything. As we wanted an infinite background, we had to be careful to not light up the background, otherwise we would see the texture of the black cloth the pictures.
As we weren´t shooting chronologically, we had to keep in mind, that the shots which take place on the base of the platform had to be darker than the ones on top.
Also, another important thing we had to keep in mind was the temperature of the light as we were working with lights that had an external colour temperature control. We marked the colour temperature before we started shooting and made sure it was maintained in every shot. The lights by themselves were quite harsh and as we didn´t want the glaring effect, we made it a point to use difussion paper to cover the lights.