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Painting the Set

As the platform and pillars are supposed to look like cement or a similar material, it was logical that we would choose the color grey. Still, we had to decide the exact shades of grey we want.

We got some acrylic paint and started mixing.

After we painted the first layer, we weren't really happy, because pillars and platform looked quite similar.

It was hard to know how the colors would turn out, because they looked really different once they were dry.

Also the lightning would change how the colors will look in the pictures. We did some tests and figured that the acrylic paint reflected way too much light, and gave the surface a shiny look we didn't like.

Buying some wall paint, we started the whole mixing progress again. The cold look of putting a little blue into the grey gave the platform exactly the ambience we wanted. For the pillars we mixed the grey with a little yellow, to distinguish them from the platform.

To avoid of having the pillars look too smooth we gave them a structure by adding a layer of glue mixed with sand before painting the final layer of grey.

From The Same Thread the short film.

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