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Hands - first approaches

When we started testing different structures for the big hands, we didn't have the proportions or the materials very clear. Even thought we knew the three stages of the hands had to demonstrate an evolution of getting empty and showing the interior of the puppet, we faced some real difficulties trying to accomplish this looks.

In the firsts tests, the wire net was really messy. We experimented with random shapes witch was a different look from what we wanted.

The second try outs we did resembled more to what we were searching: a wire skeleton underneath and threads covering around. We used some objets we found that contained this net and try to adapt it to he hands, but they were all too rigid and difficult to bend, so it wouldn't work for animating. After a few attempts, we decided to build this net ourselves with the thinest wire we bought for the skeletons as well. This way we could make it look as we wanted in terms of proportions, and it would adapt to the right shape in the process of animating.

From The Same Thread the short film.

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